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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dark City System : DVD Video Date Added : 2005-01-31 11:16:16 Views : 22582 Hidden scenes (Platinum Edition version) Enter William Hurt's filmography screen to view a scene from Lost In Space. Enter Kiefer Sutherland's filmography to view a scene from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Production credits At the main menu, highlight the "New Line" logo and press Enter. Shell Beach mini-game At the main menu, select the "To Shell Beach" option to start the Shell Beach scavenger hunt mini-game. Select the following images in order to complete the mini-game: Enter the "Cast And Crew" screen, select "Kiefer Sutherland" and select the bloody knife on the first screen. Enter the "Neil Gaiman on Dark City" screen and select the postcard on the first screen. Enter "The Metropolis Comparison: Original Weekly Variety Review" and select the postcard on the last screen. Enter the "Cast And Crew" screen, select "Trevor Jones", and select the snow globe on the last screen. Enter the "Cast And Crew" screen, select "William Hurt", and select the clock on the last screen. Enter the "Set Designs" screen and select the syringe. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Dark City cheat codes.
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